Smartfoam Future Applications

security carpet applications

Smartfoam carpet tiles can harvest electricity, aid in the kinesthetic learning of children, and secure unmanned locations.

Smartfoam future applications are limitless. If you have foam in your product, you can make it a smart product.

XOnano Smartfoam will eventually harvest energy with every Smartfoam compression. Imagine powering your house with the steps your family takes on a daily basis. We will predict disease through Smartfoam’s ability to analyze gait. Imagine diagnosing early stage Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, or dementia, depression, or concussion simply by walking a few steps.

disease detection

Early detection, early cure! Predict Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Depression, Parkinson’s, and Concussion with our Smartfoam insole.

Imagine Smartfoam filled tires that lengthen the charge of a hybrid car by 10, 100, of 1,000 miles.

By measuring the weight of mined minerals, we can predict when conveyor belts will break down and proactively replace them to eliminate down time.

Imagine a smart-bed that can warn a nursing station when a patient needs to be turned to prevent decubitus ulcers, or pressure wounds. How valuable would it be if you were warned when your aging parent failed to return to bed in the middle of the night?

smart carpet

Smart carpet. Learn shapes, sounds, states, countries, numbers and more with affordable, replaceable carpet tiles.

Imagine a classroom where students learn shapes, colors, and letters by stepping and jumping (kinesthetic learning) on interactive carpet. Step lightly and learn how an animal sounds, or jump on an animal and hear them roar.

What if an intruder broke into your house and stepped on what they thought was normal carpet, but was actually security carpet? With Smartfoam you can protect locations without a physical presence.

Smart body armor

How helpful would it be to our Armed Forces if they had Smartfoam lined body and vehicle armor?

These products could become a reality one day.

What’s next? Let’s find out!

Future Applications