Concussions are the key
Brain health is the greatest threat to all impact sports. This is why we started our impact-sensing company. We believe our Smartfoam technology is the tool to help improve concussion research and diagnosis which will be critical in player and coach adjustment and ultimately concussion prevention.
first step in prevention
Helmets featuring XO-NANO Impact Smartfoam transmit impact data in real-time. This impact data determines location, severity, speed, and frequency and is transmitted in real-time to sideline medical staff, trainer, and even the parent.
Measuring the impact from early years of youth football and continuing until the NFL will collect volumes of legacy data, which help everyone involved in football learn more about injuries and create the next generation of concussion preventative products and smarter players and coaches.
Partners are key
In connection with Xenith helmets, XOnano has developed a smart football helmet, which is the solution for which football is searching. The Xenith/XOnano helmet offers supreme impact protection and the ability to transmit impact data to coaches, team doctors, trainers, and concerned parents.